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July 4, 2021 | Last updated: March 9, 2021

Foka BCS

Foka BCS https://www.fokabcs.com is a local business in Thessaloniki, Greece. They are experts Engineers with more than 10 years of experience in their field. They trusted me for their site revamp and to be honest that was a great experience!

The tools

For this particular site I used Nuxt as a Static Site Generator. They wanted a small but modern portfolio site so they can demonstrate their services and their work. Since we wanted to emphasize in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) I chose Nuxt because it's fast and I really enjoy working with it.

Being static comes with a trade of. You don't have dynamic content. That was okay for this particular site but I took it to the next level by integrating my Nuxt site with Storyblok.

The core pages of the site are being generated by Storyblok and I gave them the option to change/edit/delete everything they wanted to! Most importantly they can now create a new project of their latest project with 3 clicks.

Working with Nuxt come with a great set of tools that really step up your game. Having the Nuxt PWA and Image module installed I could achieve great performance boost, higher Lighthouse scores and also provide a native alternative with the Progressive Web App.

For the styling I chose my tool of choice, Tailwind. Tailwind offers exactly what I look when building UIs.


The site is deployed in Netlify and after creating a Storyblok webhook the website listens for updates in content and re-triggers deploys automatically. That means that I don't have to manually trigger the deployment when new content arrives and the customer is happy as their site is always up to date!